Monday, April 7, 2008

I love canucks!

There's nothing like cooking dinner with someone then cuddling in front of a great movie or sporting event on TV. Have u ever just sat outside and watched the rain or stood in it, it can be quite peaceful, i love that. The best sport ever invented was hockey. Go canucks!!
i've been told i'm a great kisser, i think i need more practice. i would love to travel more, just need someone to do it with. Family is the best thing anyone could have in their lives.

Well what else can i say. I'm kinda a shy girl. Haven't had the best luck with relationships. I like simple things like cuddling, holding hands and need someone to make me laugh. I am extremely close to my family and value that in someone as well. I don't believe in being fake. We all have faults and are working through them. If you think your perfect then you've got the biggest problem of all. Like the nickname says i'm an average girl. I don't believe in starving myself to have the perfect waste line that most people are looking for these days. I'm as real as they come. I've got a past, present and future. i'm looking to make the future a little more interesting. Say hi, let's chat, i'm a nice girl once you get to know me.